Know Ayurveda



  • Dark complexion, dry skin & thin built
  • Scanty, wavy, dry and brittle hair
  • Small eyes with curious looks
  • Fast, unsteady gait
  • Hoarse, rapid voice.
  • Food intake is generally irregular. Sweet and Salty tastes are generally preferred by Vata constitution.

A Vata personality bubbles with enthusiasm but lacks confidence. They are highly creative but lack the consistency needed to translate ideas into action. They have an excellent grasp but may not have good memory and retention. They excel in the field of fine arts but are poor performers in sports.

A Vata person is highly talkative, but lacks articulation. The confidence level of Vata prakriti is fragile. Anxiety levels of a Vata personality are normally high. Their endurance levels and tolerance to stress is poor.

Vata temperament is more often driven by impulsiveness. Thus, they are very generous. Also, they manage bodily energies in a poor fashion.

Due to lack of mental & physical consistency and endurance, their performance levels in every sphere of life tend to fluctuate often.

The health conscious Vata types need to remember that a salad meal is not a complete meal. This may help in losing weight but alongside it will give backaches, joint aches and cracking joints - a sure indication that Vata is vitiated.

The Vata prakriti child is typically never satisfied, always cranky and has a wiry appearance. He or she is more prone to diarrhoea and teething troubles with accompanying stomach distention or loose motion.

Vata constitution is prone to an imbalance in Vata. As a result, they are more frequently subjected to:

  • Constitution problems, Flatulence
  • Respiratory problems
  • Anxiety neurosis & stress induced problems
  • Immunity disorders

The Vata element in human personality contributes to cultural and scientific evolution of society through its creative approaches. In today's context, we need the creativity and imagination of Vata personality in the fields of advertising, creative designing, research, academics etc. But they can't take up high task professions.