Know Ayurveda



  • Bright complexion, delicate skin, medium built
  • Little, brown coloured straight hair
  • Bright eyes with penetrating vision
  • Fast & steady gait
  • Penetrating & commanding voice

Pitta persons have a good appetite and digestion. Stress eating is phenomenon of Pitta constitution. They have an unnoticeable enthusiasm but lack creativity.

A Pitta person is very articulate but is generally reserved about sharing. This personality is dominated by high level of conviction. An equally dominant feature is overconfidence.

Pitta personality always has a focused, self-centered mind. Cunning is a part of its target orientation. Its decisions are quick, bold and success oriented.

They excel in every activity they choose. For that purpose, they employ all resources indiscriminately.

Pitta constitutions do not allow you to be generous. They are proud of their achievements. At the same time, they are thankless to the contributions by others.

Relations with Pitta prakriti are also highly materialistic. They are generally shrewd and purposeful. One needs to oblige their supremacy to involve them emotionally.

A child with a Pitta prakriti is delicate but very intelligent. He or she cannot tolerate heat and cries if forced to wear warm clothes, rashes erupt at the slightest provocation and constipation is a word that does not exist in his or her vocabulary. The suckling Pitta prakriti child is so sensitive that if the mother eats spicy food, he or she gets ulcers in the mouth accompanied by fever - a sure sign that the Pitta dosha of the child is upset.

Pitta constitution is frequently prone to an imbalance in Pitta. As a result, they are frequently subjected to:

  • Acidity and Peptic ulcers
  • Skin diseases like hyper-sensitive reactions, Photo-dermatitis
  • Inflammatory conditions in other organs
  • Psycho-somatic diseases, due to persistent stress
  • Frequency of food intake and concurrent aberrations in Pitta element, obesity and metabolic disorders are likely.

Pitta element in human personality contributes to a constant progression through an uncompromising attitude. In today's context, the aggressive nature of Pitta and its performance orientation are in high demand in every sphere of life. Unfortunately, it is also likely to bring conflicts in the surrounding.